KORG I3 free patches, sound sets

Contents of this page:

Free downloads

Guide: Loading the patches into your synthesizer

How many new sounds do you get?


Patches for KORG I3 synthesizer.
Most of them are inspired by some great sounds for the KORG M1 synthesizer.
All Free


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Sound set Description
i3_M1_p (MIDI, Sysex)
i3_M1_p2 (MIDI, Sysex)
Type: Program Banks (66 + 43 patches), details part 1, details part 2
Description: imitated M1 Factory Programs (sounds)
Author: OP
i3_M1_GM (MIDI, Sysex) Type: Program Bank (100 patches), detailed list
Description: imitated M1 Factory Programs, transposed and sorted to match General MIDI standards
Author: OP
i3classics (Zip) Type: Program Banks, (> 400 patches), detailed list, Liste deutsch
Description: Huge collection of good synthesizer sounds
Author: OP
Contains the following data:
    *.mid        Sound banks as Standard MIDI Files (use them with any sequenzer)
    *.syx       Sound banks as Sysex dumps
    *.sqd        Soundquest data, containing all sound banks
    *.sql        Soundquest library, containing sounds with comments

bass_g – bass, guitar
brs_rd – brass, pipe, reed
ens_org – ensemble (strings + choir), organ
fxpad – effects pads, effects
lead – lead sounds, ethnic, strings, combinations
pad – pad, FX ambient, FX sound
perc – chromatic percussion, percussion, drums
piano – pianos, Rhodes, Wurlitzer, Electric pianos

Some browsers try to play the MIDI files instead of loading them. Use right click and then "save as …".

The sound sets and global data are included in different data formats to make loading as easy as possible for you.

You just have to play the MIDI files with a midi player. When using a music software like Steinberg Cubase you must ensure that any sysex filters are absent.
Sysex files are another common file format.

Guide: Loading the patches into your synthesizer

Attention: Before loading any new sounds into your instrument you should back-up your own sounds.
You can do this by recording a MIDI data dump with a sequencer software and saving the result as a standard MIDI file (*.mid).
In the sequencer any MIDI filters must be switched off (record and play Sysex data).

Please adjust the KORG i3 Global menu as follows:

   - MIDI GLOBAL               CH = 1
   - MIDI-FILTERING   PRG: ena    EXCL: ena

Now start recording in the sequencer.
At the instrument start sending a sysex dump ("ALL DATA") via the Global menu.
When the display shows up "completed" you can stop recording. Save the result as standard MIDI file ("mysounds.mid").

Test integrity of the saved file before loading other sounds!
This is how you can do that. Change a letter of the last patch name (program 66). Save the changes. (The sound remains the same, only the name has changed.) Controll: Chose patch 66. Is the new name visible?

Now you can send back your data recorded previously from the sequencer back to the synthesizer. This is done by simply playing the MIDI file.
After receiving this data the name of patch 66 should be the original again. (You have to recall the patch.)

If this worked fine you can start sending new sound banks to the synthesizer in the same manner.

How many new sounds do you get?

The 05classics sound set contains

Solo synthesizers
Electric organs and church organs
31 Guitars and distorted and non-distorted e-guitars
50 Pianos and electric pianos
25 Brass
43 Brass ensemble
9 Flutes
12 Woodwind
74 FX sounds
24 Percussion
4 Ethnic
18 Drums

Contact, contributions and suggestions: op@engon.de


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