Zoom Gfx-8

VOX VT20+, VT40+, VT80+, VT120+ patches

Update - online version of the patches

Arnaud Quillent programmed a great online version of the toneroom patches, which is very comfortable to use. He has also made his source code freely available on Github, so that people can improve it or add patches.
A big thank you!

Where have the toneroom patches gone?

From 2011 to 2013 there was a database provided at the Voxamps.com webpage, where users could share sound settings (patches) for their VOX amps.
Unfortunately it was closed in 2013.

Some of the patch parameter pages are still available at the wayback machine www.archive.org, but the Flash script which was used to display these settings inside the pages is also lost.

We have retrieved most of the patch settings from this backup and manually copied them into a table.
Also we are trying to figuring out the exact meanings of the patch parameters (almost solved).

The patch collection can be downloaded below. Included is a panel emulation which shows the knob settings of a selected patch at a virtual VOX amp panel.

VOX valvetronix+ panel emulation

VOX valvetronix+ amp sound settings, patches, free download

v1.0: VOX VT20+, VT40+, VT80+, VT120+ patches
v1.1: VOX VTplus patches.xlsm

How to use the spreadsheets

The file format is compatible to most spreadsheet applications, such as: Excel (MS Office), Planmaker (Softmaker Office) and others.
Just download the file and open it with one of those applictions.

Open the sheet Vox VT20+ patches. In most cases you will select one of the red rows of the table (Description or Inspired by) and then search for a certain style or Band name.
Look at the line number of that patch entry on the left side of the table (see image).

Then goto the Panel adjustment sheet.
Enter that line number in the input field. Immediatly a visualization of the patch settings will be displayed in the panel emulation below.

VOX valvetronix+ patches list Image 1: Patches list

VOX valvetronix+ patch display Image 2: Panel adjustment sheet

Improvements are welcome. Just send me a mail: op@engon.de


1.1 2015-04-09 By ODNewTrix:
Photorealistic emulation of the panel
Replaced the graphics of the face panels with photo images.
Added selection to choose model type and matching face panel.
Added macros that automatically adjust the knob settings to the correct position from the stored patch setting.
Needs newer versions of Excel to run the makros.
1.0 2015-01-20 manual import of patches from wayback machine (archive.org)
building a database of that patches in spreadsheet, documentation
panel emulation display
323 patches with 267 patch settings (56 missing) (2011-01-11 … 2013-3-13)


Contact: op@engon.de

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